Why are there so many terminologies for DISC?

I have already mentioned how popular the DISC test can be among the entire universe of tests available today. This popularity is mainly due to its simplicity and effectiveness, which I have already expanded on in a previous article. It is no surprise that it is so popular and widely used in the professional world […]
Framework to take decisions

Here, I introduce a framework I developed to help people make complicated decisions involving several factors. The critical thing that must be considered before assessing the framework is knowing your DISC predominant style (D, I, S, or C), which can be obtained after taking a proper DISC test. For the framework, you must follow these […]
The DISC test – A summary of the basics

A bit of history Almost a hundred years ago, in 1928, Marston published his book “Emotions of Normal People.” He sought to explain the various patterns of behavior that healthy people followed when found in different environments. It is important to emphasize that, in previous years, other recognized psychologists such as Freud or Jung carried out similar studies, but in mentally […]