Alexander Martinez coaching solutions

Framework to take decisions

Here, I introduce a framework I developed to help people make complicated decisions involving several factors. The critical thing that must be considered before assessing the framework is knowing your DISC predominant style (D, I, S, or C), which can be obtained after taking a proper DISC test.

For the framework, you must follow these steps:

1. List the options, projects, or alternatives we have in front of a particular situation. The order is irrelevant; the first option placed in the table is not necessarily more important than the last.

2. Answer the questions corresponding to each style (D, I, S, C). If you want to learn more about the questions, you can visit the land page of my book “The Perfect Tulip”.

It is advisable not to limit yourself solely to your predominant style. As we already know, nobody is 100% D, I, S, or C. Typically, our personality is a mixture of the four profiles, only in different percentages. By answering the questions of all styles, one can obtain a 360-degree view of the situation in which we find ourselves. In other words, one could see the same situation from four very different angles or ways of thinking, leading to a more enriching reflection. 

3. Check the results of this first analysis. Based on the answers and each style’s characteristics, you can start ruling out some possible options (or adding new ones). This is only a first view. 

4. Choose the options that you want to continue comparing. These can be taken from the original list or the modified one with fewer or additional options. The order in which the options are placed in the list is irrelevant. 

One of the goals of the first part of the process was to open your eyes and question why you have a particular preference for an option. The other goal was to start thinking about decision-making factors.

After answering the questions, you should identify what is essential for you; I call these decision-making factors. The framework will help you later measure each option concerning these factors to deliver a weighted result, finally revealing your preferences.

The following steps are:

5. Place the decision-making factors that you have defined in a table. As many as you want. There is no right or wrong number; everyone can decide how many factors to consider.

6. Assign a level of importance to each of the factors placed. For example, let’s assume we have listed ten factors. We will give the number 10 to the factor that we consider most important of all. We will assign the number 9 to the next most important, and so on, until we reach the least important factor, to which we will give the number 1. In this particular framework, assigning equal values ​​to different factors will not be possible. Each factor should have its level of importance.

This is, without question, the most critical step in the entire process. For this reason, spending a prudent time defining the decision-making factors and their level of importance is imperative. Modifying the levels of importance later is not advisable, as it will alter the final result. Remembering this should not be necessary, but you should be as honest as possible in the process to obtain an accurate and reliable result.

7. Compare each decision-making factor regarding each option we have. For each option, you can assign a low value (1), a medium value (2), or a high value (3). In this case, if it is possible to assign equal values ​​to more than one option. 

The logic to follow is this: if your option is very aligned or contributes to strengthening the decision-making factor being evaluated, you should assign a high value (3). If the option is aligned or moderately reinforces the decision-making factor, you should give a medium value (2). Finally, if the option is not aligned or is against your decision-making factor, you give it a low value (1). 

The reasoning will depend on you; there are no correct or incorrect answers. In addition, it should be noted that the responses may be relative. For example, if two options align with your decision-making factor, you can either assign both a high value (3) or perhaps a high value (3) only to the one that is more aligned and a medium (2) to the other one. You are free to choose the logic you prefer.

8. The results table. The results table shows the totals obtained for each option; these are obtained after multiplying the level of importance assigned to each factor by the value set during the comparison. The option that obtains the highest score could be considered the one that most align with your decision-making factors and, therefore, best suits you. 

It is not advisable to see this table during the comparison process, as it could affect and influence your evaluation criteria and alter the results.

I use this framework on my coaching sessions. To learn more about the framework, please visit my book land page: Alternatively, you can also contact me via de website or schedule a call.

Alexander Martinez

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