Mastering Time Before It Masters You
When Control Becomes Chaos In the fast-paced environment of modern organizations, time management is often praised as a critical skill for success. Professionals seek

The Hidden Power: Building a Network for Technical Professionals
The Lone Wolf: A Portrait of the Independent Professional In the realm of technical professionals, a well-known character archetype exists: the Lone Wolf. These

The Hidden Triggers Behind Bad Habits
In today’s fast-paced, distraction-filled world, even the most well-intentioned people find it challenging to maintain positive habits or break bad ones. Changing behavior, especially

Mastering the Sales Journey: A Guide to the Stages of Sales Success
Sales is a dynamic and multifaceted process that requires a blend of strategy, psychology, and persistence. For junior sales managers, understanding the different stages

The Ultimate Negotiation Playbook
In the intricate world of negotiation, many strategies claim to provide an advantage. However, based on my experience as a sales executive and my

Some ideas to control my emotions when negotiating
In previous articles, I mentioned what, in my opinion, it takes to become a good negotiator. Clearly, hours of practice and effort combined with
External Articles
Below are some interesting links to other websites (articles, videos, podcasts, etc.) that can complement the articles on my blog.