Alexander Martinez coaching solutions

The use of influence to improve communication within an organization

If you have reached a certain level in your professional career or have worked for a long time in corporate companies, surely by now, you have noticed that one of the skills you must develop to continue growing is influencing others. Today we are all aware of the term thanks to social networks. I will focus on the professional career in this article, but the principle is the same.

Many see influence as negative when taking it to the extreme of manipulation. If properly developed, I consider it a talent that can be very positive because influence is closely related to reciprocity. In other words, if you want something from a person, you must also be able to offer something in return. Everyone can have their opinion on this subject; perhaps the line that divides the ethical from the unethical is subtle, and we must learn to recognize it.

Many things cannot be achieved if others are not influenced to do what we need, which is a reality we must accept. We can hardly live in a world where others are not influenced. Let’s think about sales or marketing; for example, a good salesperson or marketer knows how to position the benefits of his product and convince (influence) buyers that he needs them. To be a good commercial, you must know how to influence subtly. Another example is that a CEO or a director must know how to influence his workers so that they don’t just follow orders but feel motivated by what they do.

Since we were children, we have been able to influence to obtain what we needed. We start with our parents; we continue with school friends, partners, etc. Think of everything you have accomplished over the years because you could convince (influence) another person to do or say something. On the other hand, think about what you missed because you weren’t good enough at it. Influence is power, which is why it is considered currency in the world of work.

The basis of influence is relationships. We need to understand this basic principle: we can have, be able to do, or know something valuable to someone else, and that other person can have, be able to do, or know something valuable to us. You must see other people (even the ones you don’t like) as potential allies.

If you want to influence other people so that they help you, try to think about what they also need from you. Give more priority to this thought to your desires. Our nature usually leads us to selfishness, but this is undoubtedly the way to get what we want. Remember that being authentic is critical here; nobody likes hypocrites, and the more authentic your desire to help others is, the more likely you are to get a positive reaction.

Try to make an impact in the lives of others, say or do something that changes their opinion about you, and try to leave them with something positive that affects their life. That way, they will help you, and you will achieve your goals.

Of course, becoming a good communicator and influencing others takes time, and the skill must be cultivated. Coaching is a good tool that will help you perfect this art. If you are interested in developing your potential and being able to influence others, write me an email or contact me via the web to discuss how coaching could change your career.

Alexander Martinez

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