Overcoming Common Communication Challenges with DISC

Classic Communication Problems We all know this, but it is good to refresh it occasionally. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a productive and pleasant workplace. However, communication issues are also common and can significantly hinder operations. Let’s begin by recapping some of the most frequent communication malpractices observed in modern office environments: Understanding the […]
The power of a 360-degree assessment

The Basics In the realm of professional development and coaching, the 360-degree assessment stands out as a powerful tool for self-awareness and growth. Originating from the military, this method has become widely utilized in various organizational settings. As Business strategist Ken Blanchard says, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” The 360-degree assessment serves as the […]
Other approaches to the study of personality (II) – Other tests

Keirsey David Keirsey (1921 –2013) is another psychologist who took as inspiration both the four temperaments of Hippocrates and Jung’s theories to write his book “Please Understand Me”, and later the practical book “Please Understand Me II.” In his books, he described a personality model and a test that classifies people according to four types of temperaments. After conducting the […]
Other approaches to the study of personality (I) – Early days and MBTI

Early days The study of personalities is not something new but rather a subject that has intrigued human beings since ancient times. There has always been an attempt to explain or classify the way people act, and throughout history, several theories have been developed about these different types of behaviors. The Greeks and Romans were […]
DISC styles explained (4) – Compliance (C)

General information Here we have the perfectionists. Compliant people (C) live by following rules, not only those that are imposed by society but those that are in their heads. In other words, they do things the way they think they should be done, often criticizing those who do things differently or taking shortcuts to get […]
DISC styles explained (3) – Stability (S)

General information The original name was submission. In subsequent years it was modified as it was considered that stability better described this style. These folks are generally very calm. They could be quiet or reserved depending on how high their S-level is compared to other styles. They do not like to be the focus of […]
DISC styles explained (2) – Influence (I)

General information These people are often the center of attention. They can’t control it. It’s their nature; they want everyone to look at them and can’t stand others stealing their audience. They are, for me (my style is C), the most difficult people to understand since they do not make decisions based on data or […]
DISC styles explained (1) – Dominance (D)

General information These are usually complicated people. Getting on well with them could be challenging because they are results-oriented and competitive. They are not the majority of the population. In fact, they are the minority, and it makes sense. Otherwise, what a world we would live in! By nature, these people are wired to be […]
Why are there so many terminologies for DISC?

I have already mentioned how popular the DISC test can be among the entire universe of tests available today. This popularity is mainly due to its simplicity and effectiveness, which I have already expanded on in a previous article. It is no surprise that it is so popular and widely used in the professional world […]
Adapting your primary DISC style

One of the most exciting things about the different DISC personality styles is that people are not necessarily loyal to their primary style but can project a style they feel is necessary for a given position or situation. Especially when they consider other people expect this of them, just like a mask. Of course, in […]