Alexander Martinez coaching solutions

Why choose coaching instead of consulting?

Those trained to be executive coaches must spend many hours perfecting the underappreciated art of not giving advice. This must sound very strange, and indeed it is in some ways. As soon as I began my training as a coach, I attended a seminar where we were told not once but at least five times […]

Adapting your primary DISC style

One of the most exciting things about the different DISC personality styles is that people are not necessarily loyal to their primary style but can project a style they feel is necessary for a given position or situation. Especially when they consider other people expect this of them, just like a mask. Of course, in […]

The DISC test – A summary of the basics

A bit of history Almost a hundred years ago, in 1928, Marston published his book “Emotions of Normal People.” He sought to explain the various patterns of behavior that healthy people followed when found in different environments. It is important to emphasize that, in previous years, other recognized psychologists such as Freud or Jung carried out similar studies, but in mentally […]