Mastering Your Minutes: An Executive’s Guide to Transformative Time Management

Time Management Matrix Recap Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” published in 1989, introduced a comprehensive approach to personal and professional effectiveness. The Time Management Matrix, a conceptual framework that categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance, is Paramount to Covey’s philosophy. This matrix helps individuals prioritize their activities, […]
When Ambition Meets Exhaustion

In today’s fast-paced professional world, it is easy to lose sight of personal well-being amidst deadlines, targets, and ever-increasing demands. Many professionals, driven by ambition and the desire to excel, unknowingly walk a fine line between dedication and burnout. At first, the signs may seem subtle—skipping lunch breaks to complete tasks, staying late to finish […]
The Hidden Triggers Behind Bad Habits

In today’s fast-paced, distraction-filled world, even the most well-intentioned people find it challenging to maintain positive habits or break bad ones. Changing behavior, especially in environments filled with “triggers,” is often more difficult than expected. Whether you’re trying to quit a bad habit or build better relationships at work, triggers frequently undermine your resolve, leaving […]
The hormones that control our life

Since I learned about this topic, I think I can divide my life into a before and after. I mean, many things started to make sense after understanding how some of the many hormones that our body produces can determine our state and therefore influence our decisions. Four hormones we produce daily are colloquially known […]
The king of the House of Cards

In business, as in life, perspective, or how you see things, is everything, or at least it plays a vital role. Throughout my life, I have encountered people with a very particular profile; I could define them as arrogant (although not necessarily idiots) or simply proud. They are people who tried to sell me the […]
Sharks vs Tunas

Aggressive and decisive investors often earn the title “sharks” in business. Inspired by the popular TV show, this term captures their ability to sniff out opportunities and act swiftly, which positions them at the market’s apex. Typically, these individuals exhibit a DISC profile that leans heavily towards Dominance (D) and Influence (I), marked by self-confidence, […]
Maximize my value – the value proposition equation

At a time in my professional life, I acknowledge people by their roles. I assumed that having an important title hanging on the office door (manager, director, president, etc.) meant that the person had the knowledge and experience that made him worthy of respect. Today I think in a very different way. Now I rate […]