Alexander Martinez coaching solutions

A non-traditional negotiation strategy

An idea based on a topic that could be political A few years ago, I asked an Iranian client about his opinion regarding the sociopolitical situation that his country was experiencing with the United States. I was curious about it because the representatives of this company were very open to Western culture; they did business […]

Surviving sales prospection: Cold calls

Nothing scares a salesperson more than the thought of prospecting. Start from scratch, find potential customers and figure out how to convince them to listen to you. Be aware I am not referring to Bibles selling in which you go from door to door or salespeople who wait for the client to come and explain […]

DISC styles explained (3) – Stability (S)

General information The original name was submission. In subsequent years it was modified as it was considered that stability better described this style. These folks are generally very calm. They could be quiet or reserved depending on how high their S-level is compared to other styles. They do not like to be the focus of […]

How can I overcome the fear of selling?

I have been thinking for a long time about what title to put for this post. I recognize that “fear” could be a bit of an exaggerated word for what I really want to explain. Perhaps the most appropriate term would be “insecurity”. Naturally, if at any point you decided to take up sales as […]

What does it take to be a good negotiator?

That is really a difficult question. I wouldn’t even know where to start to analyse it. I have certainly read many negotiation books and found myself in various situations arguing (I mean negotiating) with important people on some point on which we have not agreed. I will focus on commercial negotiations related to selling products […]