Alexander Martinez coaching solutions


Are you a scientist or technologist and feel stuck in your career, or are you ready to take the next step and upgrade to a high-management role? 

If you are struggling to find a solution to this challenge, then consider coaching. Having worked for and with many companies worldwide, and thanks to my commercial and technical background, I can help you take your career or company to a new level. I specialize in providing technical professionals with the necessary knowledge and tools to feel confident to follow an action plan on their quest for a new, more challenging role. I also provide structure to business, sales development, strategy and negotiations.

All the sessions are online and if you want to join a program or try a coaching session for a specific topic, please reach out. My approach is 100% practical; therefore, you will feel you are getting value from the first minute and always in a safe space.

I have witnessed impressive client changes after some coaching sessions; therefore, I am sure about the effectiveness of my programs. Nevertheless, feel free to read the testimonials below or download the programs offered to find the most suitable option for you.

Don’t wait any longer, reach out today at and begin to change your career


What can you expect from a coaching session?

We agree on a time and engage in a dynamic conversation. You might bring the topic, or we can follow an agenda according to one of the coaching packages. I might provide you with frameworks or tools to prepare you for our meeting, which will help you define a specific goal for our session.

During the coaching, we will follow your lead, moving where you want. By the end of the session, you will discover insights or unlock potential that will lead you closer to your goal.


Please look at the different coaching packages; undoubtedly, one suits your needs.


Executive Coaching

Executive coaching aims to current managers, directors, leaders, owners or board members who seek to improve or develop specific skills, overcome challenges and quickly find valuable solutions. Some typical topics discussed in these sessions are leadership, work-life balance, time management, negotiations, team management, influence, changes & transitions, conflicts or succession plans. In addition, I can help you develop a structure for your business, guide you in sales development, help you define a strategy or prepare you for complex negotiations.


Career Coaching

If you feel stuck in your career or want to find a new professional path, you should try this specific type of coaching.

In these programs, first, we identify and acknowledge your potential (goals, strengths, values, skills, style, etc.). Then, we use coaching conversations and frameworks to discover how to maximize and market this potential (personal branding) to take advantage of all the opportunities around you. Finally, we complement the journey by exploring possible next steps in your new career path.


DISC assessment

Would you like to discover your personality style? The DISC assessment is an easy and practical tool that can help explain human behavior. After performing a DISC test, you will identify which of the four styles (D, I, S, or C) suits you best and, as a result, your strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge is the foundation of your self-development plan.

People have mixed communication styles and DISC helps you identify them to improve communication and relationships.

These packages include a DISC test, a debrief session and some coaching sessions.


Coaching profesional

Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 10, 2023

Alexander me acompañó durante una situación profesional complicada y por ello le estoy profundamente agradecida. Con mucho profesionalismo y empatía, Alexander me retó a cuestionar mi actitud frente a mis situaciones complejas, dejando en claro en cada sesión que no estaba para decirme lo que tenía que hacer sino para hacerme ver que yo misma tenía las respuestas. El proceso de coaching que desarrollamos fue clave para conocerme mejor y para aprender a posicionarme en situaciones difíciles en el futuro. Sin duda volveremos a vernos.

Nora Costa

Descubrir alternativas de decisión y formas de pensar estrategicamente

Rated 5.0 out of 5
June 27, 2023

Agradezco mucho Alexander por la sesión de coaching. Me ayudo a poder ampliar mis alternativas para resolver un problema de negociación y descubrir formas de pensar que facilitaban la identificación de soluciones inteligentes. Gracias a ello, pude abordar con más tranquilidad la negociación y obtener mejores resultados. Recomiendo sus servicios a profesionales que quieren mejoras sus habilidades blandas para la gerencia.

Omar Amed Del Carpio

Changed my way of working

Rated 5.0 out of 5
May 31, 2023

I followed a coaching session with Alexander. In the past had several experiences like Landmark Forum but this one was very surprising. The session gave me a different view of my attitude to work. This session put a conflict at work in a different perspective and gave me new insights. This brought me to a different way of working and which allowed me to deal well with the conflict, which was eventually resolved.


Great coaching session

Rated 5.0 out of 5
May 22, 2023

I had a coaching session with Alexander Martinez , he helped me to clarify my goals objectively and the steps to achieve those goals. He challenges you to analyze yourself and your potentials , to find the right way on your objectives.

Karen Zarate

With each session, you feel empowered and clear about your next steps towards your goal.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
May 16, 2023

Alex helped me find clarity and actionable next steps towards my goal. With each session, I feel more empowered and supported in my plans. He finds a way to get me to new points of perspective as well.


Great session very helpful

Rated 5.0 out of 5
May 14, 2023

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to do a coaching session with Alex Martinez. Even though it was only one session I really felt he helped me focus on the current issue was struggling with and structurally define path forward. The structured methodology he used enabled us to define the core of the issue and subsequently find a pat forward. Alex created a safe place to have an honest discussion which was paramount to get to the core of the issue. I have been lucky enough to have a few coaching sessions in my career and have to say this was one of the better ones.

George Perujo

Invaluable self-learning session

Rated 5.0 out of 5
May 12, 2023

The session with Alex was a great eye-opener. His natural ability to lead you on a journey of self-reflection – identify areas for improvement, and what already makes you excel at work or in life. Highly recommended!

Tim S


Coaching session and packages

What definitely differentiates the products offered on this page from the others available on the market is the personalized treatment that the customer receives. The real value obtained by following a program and coaching sessions is being able to discuss a topic of primary importance to you within the framework of the topic discussed in that session. In other words, the approach and methodology of these packages are designed to impact the client’s professional life immediately; the sessions seek to discover elements that allow professional and personal growth.

In Coaching, the client is expected to perceive a return of up to seven times the value invested in their training. Of course, this will depend on the client’s initial conditions, work environment, the market and other variables beyond our control.

No way. Typically, leadership courses aim to teach the theory behind the various management concepts and complement them with some practical examples. They are also usually group workshops. On the contrary, the coaching packages offered here are 100% practical and guarantee impact and effectiveness. Coaching sessions do not require theoretical knowledge or prior reading.

Typically, a coaching session lasts approximately 60 minutes; if necessary and available, the time can be extended in order to finish covering a specific developing topic.

The client decides the frequency of the sessions. Generally, one session per week is suggested. Depending on the number of sessions that have been contracted or the package that has been chosen, it could be extended to one session every two weeks. In the various packages, you can see the frequency of the sessions.

It will depend on what the client wants. You can choose a specific package with a set number of sessions or contract a certain number of sessions. The client can also extend the number of contracted sessions at any time and add sessions to a package if he or she wishes.

It’s not possible. Once a coaching package has been booked, a contract must be signed in which the client agrees to comply with the program and respect specific rules (for example, being present at the arranged time, carrying out pre-arranged activities or not carrying out other activities at the same time, etc.). If the client wishes to abandon the program by unilateral decision, the whole price must be paid according to the conditions indicated in the contract.

This depends. If these are private sessions, it is possible to reschedule sessions as long as they are within the time-frame indicated in the contract. If, on the other hand, it is a group session, it can only be rescheduled if the entire group agrees. If the client does not attend a scheduled session, it will be considered a loss and deducted from the contracted package.

Considering that the packages are 100% practical, what is received in advance are frameworks so that the client can begin to awaken curiosity and come up with ideas and questions for the coaching sessions. Depending on the package, a DISC test will also be included. Of course, readings can be recommended if requested, but these programs do not aim to become an expert in leadership or sales theory.

It depends on the package chosen. In many cases, it is preferred to respect the proposed order, but if it is a regular coaching session, then the path that the client wishes will be followed. The topic of conversation may revolve around the point being discussed following the program. Still, the specific objective of the session and the path to reaching the solution will depend on the interaction between the client and the coach. Generating an impact on the client’s professional life will always be sought and prioritized.

That depends on our objectives. In general, following a personal program will always provide better results in a shorter time since we can focus on specific topics of interest to the client. On the other hand, in group programs, standard or more in-demand topics will be addressed. You can always add private sessions to purchased group packages.

DISC packages

DISC packages will help the client discover their strengths and seek explanations about communication with other people. The information learned, especially the practice during the coaching sessions, is precious and will allow the client to take their professional career to another level.

What sets these DISC packages apart are the coaching sessions that are included. The DISC test allows us to discover our preferred personality style, but it is in the debriefing and coaching sessions that we can really see the use and importance of the information obtained from the test itself; the coaching sessions allow the client to put into practice what you have learned.

DISC is a personality test that takes its name from the acronym of the four personality styles it identifies: Dominant (D), Influential (I), Static (S) and Compliant (C). On this website, you can find many articles that will help you understand the characteristics of each style. Each coach is free to work with the personality test of her preference. Each test has its advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses. Still, based on my knowledge, the DISC test provides the fair and necessary information to generate an impact on clients’ work lives.

Thanks to the DISC test, the client will be able to identify their preferred personality style and, thus, the strengths and weaknesses of this style. However, thanks to the coaching sessions included in the packages, the client will be able to understand how to use this information correctly. This includes communication, negotiation, influence, staff management, etc.

Correct. When purchasing a DISC package, the personality test is included; we work with the company PeopleKeys®. When purchasing a package, the customer receives a code and a web address to enter to take the test. The result reaches both the client and the coach. The coach carries out the test debrief and is part of the package.

You have to be very careful when taking free online tests. Not all websites or companies that offer it are reliable. We work with PeopleKeys®, a company that guarantees the validity and certainty of the results. In general, the client should consider that when it comes to her personal development, it is better to invest a little in order to obtain more valuable results.

DISC is a test based on concepts developed by Marston more than 100 years ago. Many companies and psychologists took Marston’s concepts to design their personality tests. We work with a company that offers a test based on Marston’s original ideas and terminology. Many articles about DISC and its differences from other personality tests can be found online.

Career Coaching

In order to take our professional career to the next level and be able to manage staff, negotiate with other colleagues or clients, and influence or increase our connections, we need to discover the potential we have beyond our technical knowledge. The coaching sessions included in the professional career packages aim to immediately impact the technical professional by helping them find tools to manage their personality and that of others; this allows them to access a new executive or commercial world.

It is expected that after the first stage of personal discovery, that is, two or three weeks, the client will already be able to visualize the world differently and will, therefore, be able to use the tools learned in their work life.

That is precisely the objective of career coaching packages: to provide the client with the necessary tools to manage management or direction in the short or medium term. Many technical professionals rely on their knowledge to build a career, but this could have limitations at some point. Complementing this valuable background with executive coaching will help the professional to continue moving up in the professional world.

Although the client is already in a management position, the knowledge acquired through coaching would allow him or her to manage staff better, handle difficult situations or deal with complex negotiations. In addition, depending on the package chosen, you can design jobs that do not exist or even motivate yourself to look for a higher-ranking position outside your current environment.