Alexander Martinez coaching solutions

A non-traditional negotiation strategy

An idea based on a topic that could be political A few years ago, I asked an Iranian client about his opinion regarding the sociopolitical situation that his country was experiencing with the United States. I was curious about it because the representatives of this company were very open to Western culture; they did business […]

Sharks vs Tunas

Aggressive and decisive investors often earn the title “sharks” in business. Inspired by the popular TV show, this term captures their ability to sniff out opportunities and act swiftly, which positions them at the market’s apex. Typically, these individuals exhibit a DISC profile that leans heavily towards Dominance (D) and Influence (I), marked by self-confidence, […]

The power of a 360-degree assessment

The Basics In the realm of professional development and coaching, the 360-degree assessment stands out as a powerful tool for self-awareness and growth. Originating from the military, this method has become widely utilized in various organizational settings. As Business strategist Ken Blanchard says, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” The 360-degree assessment serves as the […]

Surviving sales prospection: Cold calls

Nothing scares a salesperson more than the thought of prospecting. Start from scratch, find potential customers and figure out how to convince them to listen to you. Be aware I am not referring to Bibles selling in which you go from door to door or salespeople who wait for the client to come and explain […]

Managing changes and transitions

One of the most recurring topics that arise in coaching is the management of changes and transitions. Surely, we all know Heraclitus idea that the only constant in life is change, and of course, it is very true. The point is that even if we agree to this, it does not mean we have accepted it; […]

Why are there so many terminologies for DISC?

I have already mentioned how popular the DISC test can be among the entire universe of tests available today. This popularity is mainly due to its simplicity and effectiveness, which I have already expanded on in a previous article. It is no surprise that it is so popular and widely used in the professional world […]

Why choose coaching instead of consulting?

Those trained to be executive coaches must spend many hours perfecting the underappreciated art of not giving advice. This must sound very strange, and indeed it is in some ways. As soon as I began my training as a coach, I attended a seminar where we were told not once but at least five times […]

Framework to take decisions

Here, I introduce a framework I developed to help people make complicated decisions involving several factors. The critical thing that must be considered before assessing the framework is knowing your DISC predominant style (D, I, S, or C), which can be obtained after taking a proper DISC test. For the framework, you must follow these […]

What does it take to be a good negotiator?

That is really a difficult question. I wouldn’t even know where to start to analyse it. I have certainly read many negotiation books and found myself in various situations arguing (I mean negotiating) with important people on some point on which we have not agreed. I will focus on commercial negotiations related to selling products […]